Italian youngster Andrea Cola had tough winter break but now he is ready to fight again in the FIA CEZ.
How was the winter break for you?
Unfortunately, due to the road accident I had in October I had to do many months of physiotherapy, and after the “green light” of the doctors I started training for the 2018 racing season, so the only break I had last winter was the…breakup of my clavicle. It was not easy to get out from that, but my fans, the “9ty9supporter”, helped me a lot: they have always been very close to me, and now I can say I’m ok.
Where we will see you and with what machine?
I’ll race with the same F.312 of last year, the car (that I call Toruk) with which I won two F.3 European titles in 2017:Fia-Cez and Austrian
What are your targets for this year?
This year I will race in 4 F.3 Championships: FIA CEZ, AFR Pokale, Austrian and F2000 Trophy. My targets? Uhm…do you want to try to guess?