Marcin Jedlinski demonstrated power of his new Audi R8 LMS and won the first endurance race of this season.
Everything pointed to an easy victory for red & white prototype Norma M30 LMP3 during the first half of the race, but in the second half of the race, the cards began to mix wildly.
While Václav Janík in the LMP3 prototype was on the downside, Richard Chlad jun. was charging through the field towards second place right behind the winning Pole Marcine Jedlinsky. Záruba-Formánek in Lamborghiny Huracán finished third.
Zeljko Drmić who shared the Porsche 991 GT3R cockpit with Robert Lukas dropped from first place in first part of the race to forth. Top 5 completed Jakub Kubas driving BMW M6 GT3.