Sunday’s sprint at Brno racing circuit was a little bit less exciting than Saturday’s one since the starting grid was not as filled as usually. Three cars which were badly damaged in yesterday could not compete and both vehicles of ARC Bratislava team did not even join the race.
As a result, Benjamin Hotz with Onroak Ligier JS53 achieved effortless victory. Second place in total and in D5 was won by Aleš Jirásek. Victory in D4 was celebrated by Richard Chlad, followed by Samuel Sládeček, who beat Josefa Záruba in last laps. Thus, Záruba ended up third.
Denis Waszek finished fourth in D4 because he managed to keep ahead from Petr Lisa with LMP3 prototype.
Eith place in total and fifth in D4 belongs to Tomáš Erdélyi, followed by Stanislaw Jedlinski – competing with shiny yellow Audi which is usually driven by his son Marcin. Top ten was closed by Petr Kačírek with Audi R8 LMS ultra.