This race practically did not have to go. After a big storm, the whole morning waited for the organizers to clean up the track to be safe for the riders. The qualifications were canceled and at 11h there was a debate for the riders. It was decided to start the race and take the starting positions from Saturday’s qualifying. This might upset some riders, but nothing could be done in this situation.
The best start was Miroslav Konopka from ARC Bratislava, followed by Marcin Jedlinski from Olimp Racing, who overtook Zdeno Mikulášek from ARC Bratislava. Mikuláško, who won the sprint on Saturday, could not overtake the next round Jedlinskeho. Unfortunately, Mikuláško did not hold the second place. He was driving with the power steering inoperative. He made a mistake about halfway through the race. He couldn’t make a curve and set off for a short trip out of track. That cost him second place. The mistake was again used by Jedlinski. In addition, formed a group of riders Malchárek, Jirásek, Rosina, who followed the bumper on the bumper and show the spectators a beautiful duel. They overtook Mikuláško. Unfortunately Christian Malchárek was disqualified for “TECHNICAL CHECK” and Jirásek lost in a duel with Rosina.
The GTC group was won by Samuel Sládečka from Motorsport Sládečka ahead of Bronislav Formánek from Mičánek Motorsport.